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V A C N   J O U R N A L  

You're welcome to download and read each journal publication FREE of charge by clicking the download buttons below.  

Please feel welcome to share these downloads with friends, families and colleagues too!


We also welcome your article submissions, story ideas etc via email - veganacnetwork (at) gmail . com.

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P R E V I O U S  P U B L I C A T I O N S

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                                   2025 Journal Content Call!


Are you a vegan who would you like to contribute an article for inclusion in an upcoming journal?

If so, we would love to hear from you! 


Articles featuring information on the following topics is very welcome:

  • Messages received from the animals and/or tree and nature spirits.

  • What you have learned on your AC journey.

  • Insights from AC teachers.

  • Information on vegan diets and their role in protecting the environment. 

  • Insights from vegan veterinarians and vegan animal health experts.

  • Insights on the environment (especially from vegan eco-experts).

  • Positive experiences of having an animal communication session for your animal friend.

  • An article telling us about your animal sanctuary.

  • Delicious vegan recipes.

  • Vegan nutrition and health information.

If you have any article submissions on any topic please submit it, we would love to hear from you : )


Please be aware that content inclusion is at the discretion of the editor. When submitting articles for inclusion please note that the article may be edited due to length constraints and formatting. 


The aim is to publish a journal edition quarterly, though this will be dependent on content. Each edition will be published when we have fitting content and design. We hope to release our next journal in Feb/Mar, 2025. To reach this date we need to receive articles by 15 February, 2025.


This journal has been set up to be a public service publication. We have chosen not to offer advertising nor to accept any monetary contributions but to offer the journal in service to the animals, the Earth and humanity due to the turbulent times that we are currently navigating. We wish to remove barriers to accessing this information, and include public service announcements directly related to veganism rather than accepting advertisements.   

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