Mental Health Newsletter Archives
A New Way Forward
Happy World Kindness Day!
People are doubting themselves for not conforming to the "majority" views...
So what is one to do? ...
Are You Feeling Anxious?
Happy Do Something Nice Day
Renew Hope
That C Word "Cancer."
- Dietary Prevention Strategies -
BUT the great thing is that we can empower ourselves with knowledge!
So let's take a bold look at some of the research that many people don't yet know...
How to Cope When You Feel You Haven't Done Your Best
I Think, Therefore I Am...
Take it Easy on Yourself. You're Doing Great!
What's Behind the Anger?
Sometimes anger can be a powerful emotion when used constructively - helping to drive constructive conversations, and as fuel for bringing about changes such as social equality, environmental protection and human rights. In my experience of coaching people, anger quite often isn't a stand-alone emotion. Often there are emotions behind the anger...
Practicing Cultural Questioning
Bee Great This Christmas... And in 2020!
Happy Oc-Sober!
How to Take the Sting Out of "Meta-emotions"
To Listen is to Love
A person I once worked onsite with a Manager who gave me her utmost attention every time I spoke to her. During each conversation she dropped everything and listened very deliberately.
More recently someone who had gone through some challenging experiences thanked me, to which I told them that I hadn't done anything. The person replied, "you listened."...
So what is the power of listening - really listening - to people? Click to view a short clip that captures this perfectly!
How to Be Your Own Cheerleader... And Soar!
Consider the following quote by Theodore Roosevelt:
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena..."
Happy Go Lucky
Have you heard of the saying happy-go-lucky? This traditionally refers to a positive and carefree state of mind.
But what if people are happy-go-lucky because they are creating good "luck" by being positive, courteous, kind, respectful and compassionate?
What if happy-go-lucky is actually an instruction on how to create better luck?

I Think I Can...

Kindness and the Happiness "Quadfecta"
A person that I don't know about you, but some of the saddest moments in my life have a silver lining - the kindness given by friends, family and colleagues. Kind words, kind gestures, kind text messages and even kindness in giving me space if that was needed ...

Do You Love Yourself?
A person that I was coaching recently came to me with a goal. Their goal was, "I want to love myself." I think many people can relate to this desire, with many people wanting to accept themselves more and to be kinder to themselves. But it does raise some questions such as...

Prime Yourself for Positivity
Have you heard of priming before? Basically when you are exposed to something it influences your thoughts and behaviour. But you are not aware of how this has affected you.
We experience priming every day. The news consistently reports negative information, TV ads prime you to eat junk food and to spend your money on various things that you "need"...
Happy Harmony Day!
Today is Harmony Day!
Harmony Day coincides with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
The message of Harmony Day is that everyone belongs.
So what can you do to foster more harmony within and without? Read on for some insights... ​

The Best Ever Valentines Gift

Keep Calm this Christmas
Happy World Kindness Day
World Kindness Day is a day to work together to bring about a kinder world. What a great day to celebrate and embody! The world needs more kindness. And, as I've discussed in my book, many of us would thrive with more self-kindness.
I love the way that World Kindness Australia outlines kindness by respect rather than intolerance, inclusion rather than exclusion, hospitality rather than hostility and gratitude rather than attitude...
Happy Ocsober!
Life is brighter and more joyful without a hangover - so why not enjoy life to the fullest - without alcohol - in October! There are various initiatives that you can take part in to give yourself a bit of extra motivation.
Feeling better about yourself and brighter, in general, may be just what you need. And being part of a group with a shared goal may help you to abstain from the booze. But in case you need more motivation, did you know that in Australia...
The Winds of Change
Change comes and goes. It ebbs and it flows. It is constant. Yet it isn't always easy, especially in the workplace! So how can you emerge as a beautiful butterfly when facing changes at work?
The first step may well be to accept that change is a constant. Once you accept that change will always occur, then you can put yourself into a more positive frame of mind and strive to meet change with an upbeat perspective. You might choose to see it as...
Season's Greetings
It's time to take a moment to breathe. This year is almost over (and for many people, what a big year it has been!). What might be helpful at this time of the year is to take time to renew and recharge, and to try adopting some food ideas that will help you to survive the "silliness" that this time of the year can bring.
So this newsletter is dedicated to bringing you a dash of inspiration and support to help you feel more balanced, content and happy...
Spoil Yourself with Some
Me Time
Before you read any further, stop for a moment. Close your eyes and take 3 deep, long breaths in and out. It's not a gimmick! Try it.
These precious moments are "Me Time." Time to recharge, relax and invigorate. We all need to take some Me Time- so please do!
Below are some ways that you can spoil yourself, including a delicious recipe that you can make to indulge...
Did you know that March 20, 2015 is the third United Nations International Day of Happiness? For some readers this may be today, for other readers this may be tomorrow.
So what can you do on this day? You could do something that makes you happy, you could do something that makes others happy, you could send your workmates a cheerful email ...
Did you know that March 20, 2015 is the third United Nations International Day of Happiness? For some readers this may be today, for other readers this may be tomorrow.
So what can you do on this day? You could do something that makes you happy, you could do something that makes others happy, you could send your workmates a cheerful email ...
Forgiveness for Calm
It's hard working with people each day. Disagreements can happen. Feelings are hurt. Boundaries are crossed. Apologies aren't always given. It can make one feel angry, taken for granted, disrespected, indignant, ignored and resentful.
And going to work day after day when you feel this way is painful! It can affect the quality of your work, relationships with colleagues, your home life and your physical and mental health...